Perencanaan Terpadu Pengelolaan Daerah Sungai Dgn Pendekatan Partispatif (Studi Kasus Sub DAS Latoma, Kab. Konawe, Prop. Sul-Tra
- Description:
Integrated Watershed Management Planning through a Participative Approach (IWMP2A) (Case Study: of Latoma Sub Watershed, District of Konawe) reports have prepared by Sub-Watershed Latoma stakeholders in the sub district Latoma. Stakeholders who participated were members of the Watershed Working Group (WWG), the village chief, village heads, community leader and sub-district head with a participatory approach. Studies and Reports in IWMP2A as a process that would bring together the knowledge, skills and experience of community who are still traditional with modern scientific knowledge to as outlined in the report SOW. To compile data the current condition Latoma watersheds that has been used as the baseline to monitor all aspects of the WAP and Tools of PRA (Mapping, Transect, Seasonal Calendar, Diagram Venn, Gender Mainstreaming Analisys and Focuss Group Discussion (FGD)....
- Author (email):
- Yopie Lumoindong
- Submitted On:
- 30 Jan 2015
- File Size:
- 94.21 Kb
- Downloads:
- 3
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